Adult – Advanced Italian I- Centro Caboto Centre

This class is for anyone who has attended all the previous levels or knows Italian from prior learning. They can hold a conversation in Italian and they can converse with their teacher and classmates in Italian. At this level, there are always different ways in which the language is taught. It depends on the group and their choice of new things to learn. Finish off the year with an Italian wine and cheese party.


Running from January 13, 2025 for 10 sessions

Classes are held Mondays from 7:00 pm -9:00 pm

Location: Centro Caboto Centre – 1055 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Please take the test before registering at

This will give you an indication of the level at which you should be registering.

***Course availability depends on the number of registered students.***

  • Adult Course: $240.00 includes materials - Advanced Level 1
